Blog or Vlog? Do you know their difference?

Blog or Vlog

You may be wondering what is the difference between these two words? At first glance, we think that maybe they mean the same thing, only that some people write it with B and others with V, but the reality is that it is not the same. same.

The Blog is a website where you write publications, articles, news; But the Vlog is a video channel where instead of writing information, you say it through a video.

What is a blog?

Blogs are sites or web pages, in which written content is created such as publications, articles on a specific topic.

Usually, behind a Blog, there is a person in charge of creating the content, based on research and knowledge, this person is called an editor, he can transmit his ideas in written form.

Blogs usually have information on different topics, all depending on the type of service offered, for example in DigitalWeb Panama, as we are a Digital Marketing company, we develop topics that have a certain relationship with the services we offer. Another example is a restaurant, you can create articles about health, body care, restaurant trends, cooking recipes; another could be a sports blog, in which what you will find are trends in sports, sports news, etc.

Therefore, we can define it like this: Blog = Written.

What is a VLOG?

It may sound the same, but it has a difference that I have already explained at the beginning of this article. When you see the word Vlog, written with a V, it means that it is a spoken Video.

The content that you can find in a Vlog is the same that you can find in a Blog, the only thing that is no longer written, if not in another format; Let’s take into account the same examples that I mentioned in the paragraph above, that is, the examples of the Blog, but instead of writing articles on those topics, what he does is record a video where he talks about those topics, or in the case of the restaurant, you can have videos of people cooking the recipes.

For example, an artist or singer can make a video on certain days of the week, where they clarify doubts or answer questions from their fans or followers, among many other things they can say about their artistic career.

This Vlog term is often used more on social networks such as YouTube or Flooxer.

In conclusion, we must remember Vlog = Video.

What is a Vlog on social networks?

In Social Networks, in Vlogs, the sense of originality has been lost and in a certain way they have taken a different course, not all the videos that you will see on networks will be well-prepared, many of them will be videos of people who make known As is their day-to-day, these videos are usually improvised, which are born spontaneously and naturally, often without having prepared content.

The engagement of these Vlogs is greater since being spontaneous makes other people stay identified with the creator.

I can say that a Vlog, maintains excerpts from the daily life of people and companies, we generally see it more on YouTubers. These types of people are usually influencers who most use this type of Vlogs since they keep them connected with their followers and are always creating eye-catching content, full of originality, as well as their number one work tool as influencers of the brand.

If you want to know more about Influencers, I invite you to read this article about Marketing Influencer What is it?

Usually, these types of people who share their daily life, do so because it is part of their work.

Let’s see the differences between both terms in more detail:

Differences between BLOG and VLOG

  • It differs in the format in which it is created or uploaded.
  • Both can have the same content, as it can also vary.
  • You can have both Blog and Vlog, and keep the same content, only that in Blog it is written and in Vlog it is video.

Can company VLOGS work?

As we have seen, a company needs to maintain a blog, but in the case of Vlogs, as we have studied throughout this article, it does not have content that can be easily interpreted by a company.

However, it can be given a spin, just as companies are taking very seriously uploading stories and posts on Instagram as in other networks, the same can happen with Vlogs. The fact of not creating your own Vlogs as a company does not imply that you cannot use it to your advantage. You can always use social media to reach your audience, many YouTubers are willing to collaborate with brands.

I advise you to try a little of everything, we never know where the key to success may be, but we must bear in mind that if your target audience is not on social networks, you should not concentrate your efforts (money) on them.

If you do not have a blog yet, I advise you to create one, since a Blog offers you the opportunity to go outside the limits of your website and really develop the voice of your business. Take advantage of that opportunity and don’t be afraid to show the world what you are. Raise your brand’s flag with pride!

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