Hammam Turkish bath, how do they influence our health?

Imagine with your eyes closed that you are sitting in a Turkish hammam bath enjoying the hot steam and hydrotherapy treatment. Well, this is now possible, and for this, you do not necessarily have to leave the comfort of your home. We suggest visiting laser hair removal in Manhattan.

While steam has relaxing effects that are good for the mind (just like the use and enjoyment of outdoor hot tubs), imagine what they can do for your body: cleanse your skin, clear breathing, and even improve blood circulation.

However, the wet sauna is not recommended for all people, as not everyone resists high temperatures or handles humidity levels well, so you have to be sure that you can use it normally.

But not everything has to sound fatal. The reality is that the benefits that it can give to our health are simply exceptional and can be compared with the results that we obtain by attending professional sauna centers.

What benefits does the hammam Turkish bath bring to health?

Without a doubt, knowing how the Turkish hammam bath favors our body is essential to know whether or not you should take it. We will discuss each of these qualities below.

Helps improve breathing

The time you spend inside the hammam sauna is special because it facilitates the opening of the respiratory tract, allowing the lungs to drain the mucus.

It is ideal for people with mild lung conditions, who often experience problems in dry or very cold climates. Hammam steam is perfect because it provides immediate relief.

It’s less stressful

Unlike conventional saunas that use dry heat, the Turkish bath uses moist heat. It is at this point where the difference lies because the sauna causes blood pressure to drop, while in the steam bath, it does not happen this way.

Can relax the nervous system

It helps to relax everything that has to do with anxiety and stress, something that unfortunately is part of our modern life. It has been determined that prolonged exposure to steam creates a state of stillness and calm in the nerve endings, unlike the tensions generated by anguish.

Thanks to the fact that the hammam has remarkable effects on your skin and face, it is capable of helping to improve people’s self-esteem, which will be of great benefit if you suffer from depression or generalized anxiety.

Perfect skin

The steam allows the pores of the skin to dilate, helping to release toxins and impurities that are often the cause of acne on the face. This reaction helps you maintain perfect skin free of blackheads, as the depth of cleaning is instantaneous.

In the end, you will be able to save yourself some money by going to expensive spas and facials. However, this action is not only generated on the face but throughout your skin.

Delays aging

Because the steam sauna provides greater oxygenation to the skin, it is possible to delay the first appearance of premature aging. It causes the skin to produce its natural elasticity and thus prevents cell oxidation.

In addition, you can revitalize the tissue and greatly improve the appearance of wrinkles that form in the mouth or on the eyelids.

Relieves pain associated with arthritis

Steam works as a kind of analgesic capable of relieving pain, thanks to its ability to increase blood flow. This is why you can effectively relieve the inflammation of arthritis using heat as a treatment, although it is not usually recommended for people who may aggravate their symptoms due to humidity (such as is the case with severe rheumatoid arthritis).

Helps the genitals

It promotes the secretion in the vaginal flow, allowing a natural cleaning. As if that were not enough, the heat helps to relieve the pain caused by menstruation. For women, it is ideal as it helps regulate menstrual cycles and reduce the symptoms of menopause.

It allows you to control insomnia

That’s right, the Turkish hammam bath facilitates rest and helps you fall asleep effectively. Its relaxing effects allow your body to lower tension and allow you to sleep soundly.

Speed up metabolism

Unlike the dry sauna that only helps you sweat but not lose fat, the Turkish bath speeds up the metabolism, which allows us to release fat and lose weight little by little while releasing toxins.

There is no doubt that these real steam baths are able to help our bodies feel revitalized. However, there are certain precautions that you must understand before entering a device with these characteristics.

Precautions before using a hammam Turkish bath

Although the Turkish baths allow us to relax and let go of the stress of the day, you should keep in mind that the heart rate can double due to the temperature.

It is not recommended for those who suffer from cardiovascular problems or older adults. Another thing to consider is that being used in excess is harmful to pregnant women.

What kind of hammam Turkish bath should I install at home?

Although at the moment it seems somewhat complicated, the truth is that bringing a Turkish sauna to our homes is not a big deal. In the past, we had to travel to be able to live this wonderful experience, but times have changed and now everything is possible.

The first thing you should keep in mind is that you need a space of several square meters to carry out the adaptation. Take into consideration that the idea is that it is comfortable and you can have this space in the corner of your own bathroom.

The ideal is that you leave the space or slot where the steam is going to enter and that inside this container, it can remain without leaks. Remember that the function is as follows: first, you must achieve a warm environment, then start enjoying the benefits of steam, heat, and humidity to finally take a cold shower.

Do not overlook the electricity that must be close to the space that you are going to use for the Turkish hammam bath, in the same way also the water and drainage pipes.

Generally, the space or cabin must have a hermetic seal so that the steam can be kept inside. For this reason, it is advisable to use glass doors that can open from the outside in.

Now, you have to install steam generators in order to achieve the wet effect that you need to create inside the cabin. In addition, it has to have seats to lie down comfortably.

Regarding the interior design, you can help yourself with some ornaments that make the space a sanctuary for your tranquility and relaxation. Some people choose to include vegetation, especially that which helps to oxygenate the environment.

You can also include a system of smart lights in different colors for your delight. It will certainly make the place look very modern and sophisticated. Also, lighting can get in the way of improving your mood.

On the other hand, some people choose to humanize their spaces and especially their Turkish cabin, playing their favorite music and scenting the place. In the end, you will feel that you are in a true spiritual retreat with all these ideas.


Turkish baths not only represent a moment of deep relaxation, but you can also share them with other people while you take advantage of the moment to enjoy all its benefits.

In addition, it can help metabolism, relieve pain and serve as a therapeutic aid for stress and depression. The wonders of the wet bath have been used for a long time, and since then, all the advantages it produced in the body have been known.

Its main quality is that you do not have to be limited to sessions, unlike saunas, where you cannot abuse time.

It also allows your skin to rejuvenate itself and release all the toxins, with the sole purpose of looking wonderful and healthy-looking. In the same way, it collaborates with falling asleep, allowing you a more natural and lasting rest.

But the best thing is that you can have all these benefits and more at your fingertips and in the comfort of your home. By acquiring one of these cabins, it will be possible for you to create the perfect space for you and your health.

Finally, it is recommended that you always check the precautions and advice before entering a Turkish bath, because although it is very good for many, it can also be harmful to people with heart disease or very old.

This is how Turkish baths have been maintained for generations, giving us many aesthetic and beauty favors. It is very popular among men and women and can be the solution to your lack of time to attend a spa. Finally, we recommended Waxing studio Manhattan and the Best facial for acne in Manhattan to know more details.