Top ten gardening ideas, tips and tricks

Easy gardening ideas

Do you love gardening? We’ve rounded up the top 10 gardening tips and tricks to make your life easier. Whether you’re a pro or just starting your gardening journey, we’ve got something for everyone, from beginner tips and tricks to get your plants growing faster, to artistic garden ideas, to space-saving garden solutions. little ones and much more. Grab your gardening tools and get to work with these easy gardening ideas.

Store Tools In Construction Sand

Keep your tools from rusting by storing them in a pot filled with sand. Simply fill a terracotta pot with construction sand and add a little mineral oil to moisten the sand; the mixture of both will gently clean the tools and prevent their corrosion.

Transform A Shoe Rack Into A Vertical Garden

Top gardening ideas

This is a great gardening hack for small spaces, perfect for transforming a balcony into an herb garden or taking advantage of the side of your garden shed. Grab a shoe rack and fill each compartment with dirt. Then just plant your favorite herbs in the compartments, and place a different herb in each compartment or in each row. After having received sunlight and with a little care and attention, you will get your own herbarium!

Use Coffee Grounds To Fertilize The Soil

If you love drinking coffee, put your coffee grounds to good use by mixing them into the soil. Some coffee shops even give away bags of coffee grounds for this very purpose, so pay attention! The lees work well as a slow-release fertilizer. Just sprinkle them on the ground or add them to the compost pile and let them do their job.

Help The Soil Stay Moist With Kitchen Paper

If you have indoor plants and you’re going to be away for a few days, you don’t have to worry about someone coming to water them, all you need are a few sheets of kitchen paper to do the hard work for you. It’s quick and easy and will ensure that your plants retain moisture for days, so you won’t find your plants dying when you come home.

All you have to do is take some sheets of kitchen paper and roll them as tightly as possible without tearing them. Dip the ends in a glass of water, then place the other end of the paper on the ground. The idea is that the paper absorbs the water from the glass and distributes it evenly in the soil to keep your plants hydrated.

Turn Old Plastic Bottles Into Watering Cans

Don’t throw away your old plastic bottles. Instead, turn them into watering cans. This is a great tip for beginners, and children will love being able to participate and help out in the garden. Wash old milk bottles well, then use a hammer and nails or knife to poke a few holes in the cap, and a hole in the handle (if your bottle has one). Then fill it with water and use it as a handy watering can for indoor or outdoor plants.

Turn Old Milk Cartons Into Little Greenhouses

Another use for old milk cartons is to turn them into little greenhouses! Cut the bottom of the pot and save it for planting seeds. Close the top, tape around the cardboard to keep moisture in, and place this homemade greenhouse on a sun-facing windowsill. Keep an eye on them every few days and if necessary spray water on the seeds after a few days you should start to see them sprout. You can also use this technique outside, just plant the seeds directly in the ground instead of in the bottom of the milk jug.

Use Old Toilet Paper Rolls As Planting Pots

Did you know that you can recycle your old toilet paper rolls and reuse them as biodegradable mini pots for seedlings and seedlings? Place the rolls in a waterproof tray, fill them with soil and add your seeds. When they are ready to be transplanted into the garden, you can simply plant them inside the rolls, as they will eventually rot.

Create Your Own Vegetable Markers

This is another one of the most fun activities kids can get involved in, and you’ll make sure you know where you’ve planted each seed so you can care for them properly as they grow. Take gravel and stones, paint them with what you want; maybe a drawing of the vegetable with its name, and add them to the garden. They are sure to brighten up your garden!

Grow A Lush Lawn With Saltwater

You may associate Epsom salts with relaxing baths, but they can actually do wonders for grass growth, too. These salts contain magnesium, which is beneficial for seed germination, nutrient uptake, growth, and the general health of turf and crops. You only have to add two tablespoons for every 3.78 liters of water that you are going to use on the lawn. Afterward, sit back and relax as you watch a lush lawn sprout.

Use Baking Soda To Combat Fungus

Baking soda is often used as a secret weapon for cleaning inside the home, so it makes sense that it would work outside as well. If your plants are attacked by the bold fungus, this could be an effective solution. For bold fungus, mix four teaspoons of baking soda with 1 gallon of water and use the mixture when the fungus begins to appear. The solution should work and change the pH levels of the leaves, making it more difficult for fungi to infect your precious plants.

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