How to unclog a toilet with dish soap?

How to unclog a toilet with dish soap

If you’re like me, then you probably have a clogged toilet at least once a year. And if that’s the case, then you’ll be happy to know there’s an easy way to unclog your toilet without having to call a plumber. Here’ how. This content is presented by

Turn off the water to the toilet

You should turn off the water supply to the toilet before attempting to unclog it. This is done by turning off a valve at the bottom of the tank using a wrench. If you don’t have a wrench, call a plumber and ask if he or she can help—this is something they do hundreds of times per day and they’ll be happy to assist you!

Empty the toilet tank

To begin the process, you will need to empty the toilet tank. If you are not sure how you can do this, please call a plumber.

Once the tank is empty, proceed to unclog your toilet with dish soap by following these steps:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water and add 2 tablespoons of Dawn liquid dish detergent. The brand isn’t important; it just needs to be a good quality brand and one that contains soap (dishwashing liquids).
  • Pour 10 drops of bleach into the mixture for every 5 gallons of water in your bucket (for example, if you have a 6-gallon bucket filled with solution). If there is no bleach available use vinegar instead but do not mix them together as this creates toxic fumes!
  • Fill up another bucket halfway with clean water and dump it into your clogged toilet bowl after every few flushes during this process until it drains completely clear again.

Add dish soap to your clogged toilet

Add a cup of dish soap to the toilet and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Wait for the soap to work its magic and dissolve all that gunk! Then, flush the toilet and watch all that nasty stuff go down. Read also: How to move out of a toxic home

Let stand for 15-20 minutes

Letting the dish soap sit in your toilet for 15-20 minutes is recommended. The longer you let it sit, the better. If you don’t see improvement after 20 minutes, try again by pouring more dish soap down your drain and leaving it overnight.

Things to keep in mind

  • Wear gloves. Even though dish soap is non-toxic, it can still irritate your skin and eyes.
  • Wear protective eyewear. The suds from the dish soap may splash back into your face as you use it to clean out the toilet bowl, so protect yourself with glasses or goggles while flushing away!
  • Make sure you have a bucket under the toilet. This will catch any excess water as well as any other contents that may come out of the bowl during this process—it’s better safe than sorry! Make sure there is nothing else in there besides water before attempting this method of clearing clogs in your home plumbing system because if not then things might get messy very quickly (and very smelly!).
  • Use a plunger to unclog the toilet. If your clog is not too severe, then this method may work for you. First, make sure that there is nothing else in the toilet bowl besides water before attempting this method of clearing clogs in your home plumbing system because if not then things might get messy very quickly (and very smelly!).
  • Put a plunger over the drain and push down hard for about 10 seconds. Then pull back up quickly and repeat this process until your clog is cleared. If this does not work the first time, try again!


After following these steps, your clogged toilet should be unclogged and ready for use. There are many different ways to unclog a toilet with dish soap but this method works for most people and the only thing that you need is some time to let it work its magic.