Can I Remove Someone’s Like On Facebook?

Can I Remove Someone's Like On Facebook

In the Facebook world, you might have come across a friend or follower who liked your page and wanted to remove it. But is that possible? Yes, it is possible if the person doesn’t save their settings on Facebook. Read this article to learn more about deleting someone’s like on Facebook!

What is Facebook?

Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to connect with friends and people who work, study and live near them. People can also share photos, videos, and messages.

When you like something on Facebook, it means that you appreciate or support that thing. For example, you can show your support for a friend’s new business venture by liking their page. Or, you can like a post to let someone know you appreciate what they have to say.

Liking something on Facebook is different from giving it a thumbs up, which indicates that you think something is good. Giving something a thumbs up means that you agree with what the person has said or done.

You can, unlike something that you have previously liked at any time. This is useful if you accidentally like something or if your opinion changes. For example, if you like a post and then realize that it contains offensive language, you can get unlike it.

Can I Remove Someone's Like On Facebook

Can I Remove Someone’s Like On Facebook?

If you’re wondering whether you can remove someone’s like on Facebook, the answer is yes! You can, unlike a post or photo that you’ve previously liked. To do this, simply find the post or photo on your newsfeed and hover your cursor over the like button. A drop-down menu will appear with the option to unlike. Click this, and the like will be removed.

How to Remove Someone’s Like On Facebook?

If you want to remove someone’s like from a post on Facebook, there are a few options. You can hide the like from your timeline, unfriend the person who liked it, or block it.

To hide the like from your timeline:

1. Go to the post on your timeline and click the down arrow in the top right corner.
2. Select “Hide from Timeline” from the drop-down menu.

To unfriend the person who liked it:

1. Go to their profile and hover over the “Friends” button.
2. Click “Unfriend.”

To block the person:

1. Go to their profile and click the down arrow in their cover photo.
2. Select “Block” from the drop-down menu.

Should I Request to Remove Someone’s Like On Facebook?

There are a few reasons you might want to remove someone’s like from your Facebook page. If the person is a spammer, you may want to remove their like to protect your page from being overrun with spammy content. Or, if the person is constantly liking and commenting on your posts, you may want to remove their like to cut down on notifications.

If you decide to remove someone’s like from your page, you must go to the “Likes” section of your page’s settings. You can click on the X next to the person’s name to remove their likes.

Pros of Removing Someone’s Like On Facebook

When you remove someone’s likes on Facebook, it effectively removes that person from your social media life. It’s a way of saying, “I don’t want to be friends with you anymore,” without having to go through the awkwardness of unfriending them. It can also take a break from someone without them knowing – if you’re feeling overwhelmed by their posts, for example, or need some time to yourself.

There are also more practical reasons for removing someone’s like on Facebook. If you’re trying to keep your Facebook profile private, for instance, then removing likes is one way to do that. Or if you don’t want certain people seeing what you’re up to – say, an ex-partner – then again, unliking their posts is a good way to go about it.

Of course, there are also some potential downsides to removing someone’s like on Facebook. For one thing, the person you’ve removed may well notice and could be hurt or offended by your action. There’s also the possibility that removing likes could make your profile look a bit odd – after all, if everyone else likes someone’s post except for you, it might look suspicious.

Cons of Removing Someone’s Like On Facebook

There are a few potential drawbacks to removing someone’s like on Facebook. First, if the person is a close friend or family member, they may feel hurt or offended by the removal. Second, if the person is part of a group or community you’re involved in, removing their like could damage your relationship with that group or community. Finally, if the person is someone you work with or do business with, removing their like could jeopardize your professional relationship.


It’s generally not a good idea to remove someone’s like on Facebook, as it can come across as rude or ungrateful. However, there may be some instances where you need to do this, such as if the person constantly likes your posts and you don’t want them to. If you decide to remove someone’s likes on Facebook, make sure you have a good reason for doing so.