Why Your Charging Cable isn’t Working and How to Fix It

Charging Cable isn't Working and How to Fix It

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a situation where my phone is dead, but I have a charging cable that isn’t working. It’s not something that happens all the time, but it does happen often enough to be annoying when it does. You may be wondering why your charging cable isn’t working or what you can do to fix the problem, so let’s dive into this topic together! The content is brought to you by https://technochatnews.com/

Damaged charging ports

Charging Cable isn't Working and How to Fix It
Image source: Google.com

The charging port is part of your phone where you plug in your charger. It’s usually located on the bottom of your phone, but it may be on top depending on the model of your device.

If you’re having trouble getting a charge from your charger, there are two things that could be causing this issue: damage to the charging port or an issue with how you’re using it. If there isn’t any physical damage to either piece of hardware (and if none has happened recently), then there might be something wrong with how they interact when connected together–so let’s take a look at how to fix those problems! Follow the Guide to buying a digital camera and other equipment.

Slightly bent pins

If your charging cable has bent pins, it’s likely that the connector will not be able to make a proper connection with your device. The solution is simple: straighten out the pin with pliers and try again!

If you don’t have any tools handy or if this doesn’t work for you, it may be time to buy a new charger.

Charging cable is bad or broken

If you’ve tried every other method and still can’t get your phone to charge, then it’s time to check the charging cable itself.

Check the charging cable for signs of damage. If it has been bent or twisted in any way, this could cause problems with charging. Also make sure there are no splits in the cord or frayed wires at either end of the charging cable.

If your device has a removable back cover (like many iPhones), check that there aren’t any bits of lint or dust stuck in between its battery connector port and where it plugs into its motherboard–this can also prevent the proper connection between these two components when plugging in a charger cord.

Try using another charging cord if available; if so, does it work properly? If not, then perhaps try buying one from an electronics store instead of continuing with what could be an unreliable product made by someone who doesn’t really know what they’re doing! If all else fails.

Your battery is drained or dead

If your battery is drained or dead, it won’t charge. A drained battery means that the power level is below 20 percent and cannot be charged by a cable. A dead phone battery will not show any signs of charging at all–it’s as if nothing is happening when you plug in the charger.

If this happens to you, try plugging in another device with a working cable (like an iPod) and see what happens: does it charge? If so, then there might just be something wrong with the port on your phone itself!

The charging cable has been exposed to moisture

Moisture can cause corrosion on the cable, which will damage it and cause it to short out. Water also causes charging cables to lose their flexibility, making them difficult to use. Moisture may also make your charger brittle so that it breaks easily or stops working altogether.

The device you’re using it on is not compatible with the cable

If you’re having trouble charging your phone with a cable, first check to make sure the cable is compatible with the device. If it’s an Apple product, make sure that you’re using an Apple-certified Lightning cable (and not some knockoff). For Samsung phones, use only official Samsung chargers and cables because they are designed specifically for that device. If you have a Huawei phone or tablet, only use Huawei chargers and cables–otherwise, they won’t charge properly.


I hope this article has helped you understand why your charging cable isn’t working and how to fix it. If you have any questions about my methods or recommendations, please leave them below and I will reply as soon as possible!