What should I eat before a workout?

What should I eat before a workout

If you eat the right things before a workout, your body will have what it needs to get through. But if you eat the wrong foods, it could backfire and leave you feeling drained or sick. So what do you need to eat? Here are my go-to pre-workout meals. This content is presented by https://www.limafitzrovia.com/

Nonfat chocolate milk

Nonfat chocolate milk is ideal because it offers carbohydrates, protein and fat. It’s been shown to be more effective than other post-workout drinks in helping muscles recover from strenuous activity.

One cup contains about 150 calories and 27 grams of carbohydrate, 8 grams of sugar and 10 grams of protein. The sugar levels in nonfat chocolate milk are comparable to those in fruit juices and sports drinks like Gatorade — but you get the added benefit of protein with each sip.

There have been several studies that show a link between consuming carbohydrates after exercise and improved recovery time. According to one study published by researchers at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, people who drank 16 ounces of nonfat chocolate milk after exercising had less muscle soreness than those who drank no fluids at all or water only. Another study published in 2012 found that cyclists who consumed high-protein (26% total energy) diets saw greater improvements in blood glucose levels compared with cyclists following normal diets (13% total energy). Go through: How long to wait after eating to workout

Low-fat yogurt with fruit and nuts

Yogurt is a great source of protein and calcium, both of which will help you build muscle.

Fruit provides vitamin C, potassium and fiber as well as being a good source of carbohydrates to replenish your body after working out.

Nuts are an excellent source of monounsaturated fat (the kind that lowers cholesterol), vitamin E and magnesium — all important nutrients for athletes.

Starchy fruits

When you’re looking for a healthy snack to eat before your workout, it’s good to remember that many fruits are also full of carbohydrates. These carbs will give you energy and help you perform better in your workout. Eat some starchy fruits like apples or bananas before your workout to get the most out of your exercise session!

Starchy fruits like apples, pears and bananas are very nutritious (as well as delicious) because of their fiber content. They also provide energy because they are high in carbohydrates a nutrient needed by the body when performing physical activity such as running or lifting weights at the gym. When picking out a starchy fruit make sure it is fresh so that it won’t make you sick if eaten right away!

Quinoa salad

Quinoa is a complete protein, meaning it contains all nine of the essential amino acids our bodies need.

The fiber in quinoa helps you feel full and stay energized longer.

Quinoa is easy to cook (just like rice), so you don’t have to spend time on meal prep before your workout.

You can substitute other grains like barley or brown rice if you prefer them over quinoa.

Peanut butter on whole-grain bread

Peanut butter is a great source of protein, which your body needs to build and repair muscle tissue. Make sure you’re eating a healthy amount—that is, not too much or too little!

There are two ways to get peanut butter into your diet: you can eat it straight from the jar with a spoon (not recommended), or spread it on whole-grain bread for an ultra-high-calorie snack.

If you choose the latter option, keep in mind that peanut butter is high in calories and fat. You should only be consuming about 1/4 cup at most before working out so as not to overload yourself with calories and fat.

One or two scrambled eggs

Eggs are an excellent source of protein, and they’re rich in vitamins and minerals. They also contain some choline, which can improve memory function. You should aim for one or two scrambled eggs before your workout—but make sure the eggs are from free range chickens, not factory farmed ones. And don’t go crazy on the egg intake; if you eat too many eggs regularly, it could increase your risk of heart disease. If you have an egg allergy, fish like salmon or sardines is another great option for pre-workout nutrition because it’s high in omega-3 fatty acids (which help protect against inflammation) and low in calories.

You need protein, carbs, and sometimes healthy fats

When it comes to what you should eat before exercise, the answer is simple: protein, carbs, and sometimes healthy fats.

Carbohydrates are your body’s main source of energy during exercise. Without them, you’ll run out of gas quickly and that can lead to muscle breakdown (which is not what you want). When you’re choosing which kind of carb to eat before a workout, stick with something high in fiber and low in refined sugar; for example: brown rice or whole-wheat bread instead of white pasta or white bread.

Fats help keep you feeling full so that you don’t get hungry during your workout and they also prevent muscle breakdown by slowing down digestion so that the food stays in your stomach longer (which means more time for nutrients to be absorbed). Healthy fats include avocados and nuts like almonds or walnuts; just make sure not too much because too many calories can slow down digestion!


The best thing you can do is to eat a balanced diet. That means eating plenty of carbohydrates, protein and fat throughout the day. And don’t forget to drink plenty of water!