Tricks to play overlord 3 video game

overlord 3

Overlord 3 is a fun video game to play. It is set in a fantasy world where you play as the overlord and command your minions. The game has many different features that make it interesting. You can explore different environments and complete quests while trying to achieve your goal of taking over the world. Here are some tips on how you can master Overlord 3. This article is presented by

Overlord 3 is an interesting game

Don’t lose your temper: If a minion starts to disobey your orders, keep calm and explain why it’s important that they do as they’re told. If a minion gets into trouble with another character or faction and doesn’t understand what’s going on, don’t abandon them. You should always try to help them out of any difficult situation they might find themselves in before you do anything else. Keep reading: How to make cookies on minecraft

Don’t lose your head: This can mean losing any sense of rational thought or losing your cool when someone tries to mess up something that’s going well for the player (like by sending an army against the player). It also means not getting too caught up in doing things like building up a strong army that can easily conquer all its enemies if it wants – because these enemies will eventually turn around and do exactly this! For example: The game has multiple endings depending on which side wins (good guys vs bad guys), so don’t get too attached to one particular outcome over another just yet…

overlord 3

Getting off a bad start

The first couple of minutes are crucial, especially when you’re playing with a group of friends. You need to get off a good start and establish yourself as the dominant player in any given session. You don’t want to be too cautious, aggressive or greedy. But neither should you be passive nor timid.

Here are some tips that will help you avoid these common mistakes:

  • Don’t panic if things don’t go well at first. There’s no need for a desperate grab for power unless it’s absolutely necessary (and sometimes even then). Taking risks can often pay dividends later on in the game, especially if they result in awesome resources like extra gems or more land space!
  • Don’t try too hard to claim territory right away—you can always expand later once you’ve gotten some experience under your belt! In fact, being overly aggressive could put other players on edge early on which might make them harder to cooperate with later on down the line… so keep cool heads until everyone has had time enough time acclimate themselves into their new roles!

Reckless abandon

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you’re not playing Overlord as a general. Instead, think of yourself as a leader whose minions are doing the fighting for you and only intervening when absolutely necessary. As long as your soldiers are still alive, it’s their job to do the fighting and defend themselves; your job is simply to give them orders or send reinforcements if they need them. If they get into trouble, don’t be afraid to retreat—the worst thing you can possibly do is throw away one of your units needlessly just because you’re afraid of losing it! The main goal here is not necessarily winning every battle but rather keeping all of your units alive so that they may fight again another day.

Go for the power-up!

One of the most important things to remember in Overlord 3 is that power-ups are more important than minions. Power-ups can help you defeat bosses, other players and even the game!

If you’re playing alone, be sure to keep an eye out for them—they’ll appear in different areas throughout each level. If you’re playing with others, make sure that everyone’s on the lookout for these valuable items! When a player gets one, they should immediately use it right away (or at least within a few seconds).

The minion cannon

The minion cannon is an excellent tool to have in your arsenal. It’s a small turret that you can use to shoot minions at your enemies and other obstacles. You can also use the minion cannon to take out enemies on the other side of the map, making it a must-have for all players.

When you first obtain the minion cannon, it will be upgraded with one level of health and damage. To increase its capabilities even further, spend some gold on upgrading its health and damage levels until you get it up to around level 8 or 9 (I wouldn’t recommend going any higher). This should ensure that your minion cannon lasts until you reach Lord Kureel’s castle!

To the victor go the spoils

  • So you think you’ve got what it takes to be an overlord? Well, let me tell you this—it won’t be easy. The game will put your skills to the test in a number of ways, but there are some tricks that can help level the playing field. Without further ado:
  • Don’t get distracted by side quests or treasure hunts. It’s tempting when there are so many things to do and collect, but don’t stray from your main objective too far or else everything could fall apart on you!
  • Invest in upgrades early on. There are plenty of options out there for upgrading your units or unlocking new ones—don’t wait until later in the game when resources may be scarce (or have already been depleted). Make sure all of these goodies are available before starting on any new campaigns; otherwise, they may not exist at all!


I hope these tips have helped you become a better overlord. If you are still struggling to win Overlord 3, I would recommend watching some videos online or trying to find a friend that plays it so they can teach you some more advanced tricks! Good luck!