Ten gardening tips and tricks

Important gardening tips

Don’t let your flowers wither anymore. Put these tricks to the test.

Gardening is so much fun and rewarding. There is no better feeling than seeing your plants grow strong and colorful. But it can also be very stressful when you start to notice them dull, yellowish, and about to wither.

Having a garden is not for everyone, or so they say. Some people tend to forget when to water plants or how to prune them, but with these gardening tips, those frustrations will be a thing of the past.

Use A Watering Schedule Or Set Alarms

Essential gardening tips

If you forget when it’s time to water them, starting to use a diary can be a great tool. It will help you to be constant and maintain regularity with the watering. Another possibility may be to set alarms so that they always sound when it is time to hydrate your little ones.

Always Water At Sunset

Watering in the morning will suffocate your plants, as the sun’s rays can evaporate water on the ground. It will hurt its roots and your plant may suffer from the effects. To prevent it, it is better to always water in the evening when there is no danger. You can also water during the day if it is cloudy.

Take Advantage Of Rainwater

Rain has many beneficial properties for plants. If it’s raining or you know it’s going to rain at night, position your pots so they can take advantage of their water, even if you just watered them. Another option is to place a container that collects rain and store it until you need it. Moisturizing your plants with rainwater at least once a month will nourish them a lot and they will look radiant. If you have the possibility of always watering them with rain, do not think twice.

Pots With Good Filtering

If they don’t have drainage, do it yourself with a nail. They need to have a minimum of five holes so that the water can escape. If your pot is made of clay, stone, glass, or another material that you can’t drill through, I’m sorry to say that it won’t work for you. The drainage serves so that the plant does not drown and so that the accumulated humidity does not generate mold, a fungus that will feed on all its vitality.

Aerate The Earth

If your plant is in a pot, prick the soil with a fork or stick from time to time. This will help keep the soil from compacting and allow air and water to enter better, which will favor the development of your plant.

Water Abundantly

The correct way to water is with a lot of water until you see it coming out of the filter holes. With that they can last about a week, depending on the type of plant and the season. It is not recommended to water a little and more often: this will prevent the water from nourishing the deepest roots and, therefore, your plant will not continue to grow.

Match Watering To The Season

In the same way that we need more water in summer than in winter, the same goes for plants. Plants can take up to a week in winter before needing more water, while in summer the same plants will require more watering on the third day.

Report Them From Time To Time

When you notice that the pot is getting too small for your roots, it means it’s time to make a change. Transplanting them into larger pots will encourage them to grow taller and stronger. Take advantage, also, to change the substrate.

Pests? Use Baking Soda

It is excellent as a fungicide and pesticide. It does not harm the plant because it is a natural product and will leave your plant clean in a matter of hours. To do so, dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of water and water sensibly.

Nourish The Earth With Natural Products

Some elements with which we are in contact in our daily lives are excellent for the growth of plants. Raw red meat, for example, helps roses to grow well-pigmented and fragrant, and tomatoes to be more delicious. Instead of discarding fish tank water, use it to water your plants as it will provide them with nitrogen. Create an ideal substrate with banana peel or eggshell. Many things can be used in your favor, explore them.

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